Ryan Markey
Freelance Web Developer
Welcome to my website. Over the coming months I plan to add a lot more to this site including more pages, a blog, a training log for my barbell training and other pages for things that I use or support.
I look forward to adding more to this website and see it grow and I hope you enjoy exploring it.
A Short History
- Bachelor’s Degree in Multimedia from UUJ.
- Previously worked in retail, both brick & mortar, and eCommerce.
- I currently work as a freelance front-end web developer specialising in WordPress.
Hobbies & Interests I enjoy reading, both fiction and non-fiction, with an interest in historical figures or events. Some of my favourite novels include Dune by Frank Herbert, Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa, and Shogun by James Clavell. For the past 10 years, I have been involved with weightlifting and training with barbells. Other interests and pastimes include hikes and long walks.